Epson Perfection V500 Photo Scanner (B11B189011) Overview
- Create crystal-clear photo enlargements and scan slides, negatives, and medium-format film
- Easy Photo Fix quickly restores faded photos with one touch
- Digital Ice technology removes dust particles and scratches from images
- Energy-efficient LED light eliminates warm-up time while allowing faster scans
- 1-year limited manufacturer's warranty

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- Carson Optical Lumiloupe 10X Power Magnifier
- PEC-PAD Lint Free Wipes 4"x4" 100per/Pkg
- Photographic Emulsion Cleaner 4 oz spray
- Print File 120-4B Negative Preservers for 120 Film (25-Pack)
- Archival 35mm Size Negative Pages Holds Seven Strips of Five Frames, Pack of 100
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 30, 2012 01:50:10 ***